Nadir (Featuring Bihzhu) at Commune, Sunway Velocity

My favourite local band was performing at Commune, Sunway Velocity and as usual I was shooting the band. The stage lighting was predictably dim and uneven throughout the stage, and was unfavorable since in some situations I needed to bump up my ISO to 6400 for sufficiently fast shutter speed to freeze movement. The band members were actively in motion (they do have fast-paced, rock-styled music) so I needed to constantly watch my shutter speed, else everything would turn out in a blurry mess. It was always, always fun to shoot Nadir and Bihzhu and they performed my favourite song, "Why Do We Cry" that night which I recorded in video!

Performed live at Commune, Sunway Velocity
Check out Nadir at:
Check out Bihzhu at:

If you have not realized, yes I do have a Youtube Channel! Please subscribe if you have not. More photography contents coming up soon, including a post-processing video!

The video clearly showed the uneven stage lighting, which was difficult to deal with. Nonetheless, every single time I used the E-M1 Mark II for video recording, I was impressed by how steady the video was being hand-held. The 5-Axis Image Stabilization seriously was godsent for a lazy photographer like me. I am just the run and gun type. 

All images were taken with Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II and M.Zuiko prime lenses 12mm F2, 25mm F1.8 and 45mm F1.8

Nadir (Featuring Bihzhu) at Commune, Sunway Velocity Nadir (Featuring Bihzhu) at Commune, Sunway Velocity Reviewed by Unknown on August 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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