So I was traveling home again last weekend, this time for the official launch of my first ever photo exhibition, the Street of Kuching, a collective of Kuching street photographers. I chose to stay on for a few days after the launch, just to have some time to catch up with beloved mum, relatives, and some beautiful friends. Surely, I slotted a bit of time for street shooting! Nothing beats shutter therapy in my lovely, awesome hometown, and I had two mornings all to myself to roam the streets of Kuching freely, shooting whatever I wanted. The first session I went alone, and the second one I was joined by Jee Foong, a talented photographer friend.
Special thanks to Jee, who took time and effort to show me around, and revealed some secret locations which I never would have known! It is interesting finding out new locations to shoot, even when I was talking through the same streets. Although I was back in Kuching some time late last year (to shoot for images for the photo exhibition), strangely even in such short amount of time, there were noticeable changes around town. There were a few more street arts decorating the walls of old shops and that observation tower of the Open Air Market was painted white! The last time I was back I remembered it was yellow.
I armed myself with my own Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II with Panasonic 14mm F2.5 (yes the pancake lens is making a return), M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8 and 45mm F`1.8. I used mostly the M.Zuiko 25mm f1.8 this time.
Special thanks to Jee, who took time and effort to show me around, and revealed some secret locations which I never would have known! It is interesting finding out new locations to shoot, even when I was talking through the same streets. Although I was back in Kuching some time late last year (to shoot for images for the photo exhibition), strangely even in such short amount of time, there were noticeable changes around town. There were a few more street arts decorating the walls of old shops and that observation tower of the Open Air Market was painted white! The last time I was back I remembered it was yellow.
I armed myself with my own Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II with Panasonic 14mm F2.5 (yes the pancake lens is making a return), M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8 and 45mm F`1.8. I used mostly the M.Zuiko 25mm f1.8 this time.
The observatory tower standing from the Open Air Market is now white! I think I prefer it looking white now, compared to the previous yellow, which was a little out of place. Though I cannot say how long it will remain white, considering the constant rain and humid weather in Kuching. Anything white spells disaster when it comes to maintenance. Lets hope we do not have to wait too long before this is being repainted again.
This lady pushing a cart of vegetables and food from Upper China Street. I saw the lady walking toward us from a distance, and I made a quick change of camera settings: From A to S (Shutter Priority), turned off the IS, dialed down the shutter speed to 1/20sec, changed the shooting mode to burst sequential high. There is a reason that I shoot as often as I can, using the same camera system, so that I can get so familiar with the camera settings and I can change it on the fly without losing shots.
Morning food on a tray. This lady was tranferring food from a nearby kitchen to the food stalls parked at India Street. If I was not mistaken the kitchen was located somewhere in Kai Joo Lane.
That white square fort building is an old, old building, and I am glad it is still standing!
Jee brought me up to the Electra House carpark to get this view. What an amazing scene! How I wish I have a 7-14mm, or at least the 9-18mm ultra wide angle lens. I shall return to this spot next time, with a wider lens. Oh and I so wish one day someone would paint that mosque white. I do not think the current color theme looks good at all.
Cat on the roof.
The Old Court House, now known as the China House in Kuching, is a popular location for local skateboarders to do their stuff.
Matching Pants
One of the old shops at the corner intersection of Ewe Hai Street and Carpenter Street.
One of the newer street art at the wall of the shops leading to the Electra House.
Cat On The Wall
Kucing basically means cat, hence, Kuching is known as the city of cats. Though, I am not sure if the original reason the city is named Kuching has anything to do with cats. It is not surprising to find many car statues or art installation everywhere in this city.
Unhealthy Breakfast
A school boy spotted eating a cup instant noodles, on an early Tuesday morning, presumedly before school.
Portrait of a Stranger 1
Portrait of a Stranger 2
Ventilation Holes
Morning chat
Under the stairs
Lorong Dock
State Assembly Hall, such an ugly sight.
Special thanks to Jee Foong, a lot of the images show in this blog entry were possible!
You may check out Jee's awesome photography here:
Main Website/Portfolio:
Facebook Page:
Instgram @jee_foong
Kompia, a Foochow delicacy, can be found prominently, and suitable for snacks, at anytime of the day! Sesame bun, with stuffed minced pork.
Kolok Mee, a signature Sarawakian dish! A must have every single time I return home.
I had a chance to catch up with Georgette, who brought me to this new place called Kulture. This place serves really interesting dishes, fusion between western fine dining and local Sarawakian food. The above dish is Umai Sashimi.
We also had Midin Salad. Midin is a special fern like vegetables, found and plucked wild, available abundantly here in Sarawak.
48 hours char siew beef. Slices of beef, slow cooked in 48 hours to superb tenderness! Yes it did taste like Char Siew, not sure how they did it, but quite interesting indeed. Highly recommended. On the whole, Kulture is quite an expensive place to dine, though the food is truly unique and I would highly recommend my friends from West Malaysia visiting Kuching to try out these food here!
Of course, the perfect closing image would be a photograph of a cat!
I think I might have had too much fun shooting back at my hometown, Kuching. I did wish I have more time, exploring the kampung (villages) across the river and other locations outside the city. Nonetheless, I shall do that the next time I plan my trip home.
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Kuching Street Photography Again!
Reviewed by Unknown
March 16, 2017

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